AI Ethics – DEI – Regulation

Conference at the Merode related to AI Ethics – DEI and leval

Key points:

1: Important to know what data set is used, who decide which dataset can be used and who decides that can decides

2. You need diversity in terms of teams working on the AI tools & data.. And it’s not gender, skin, color, etc. if everyone comes from silicon Valley you would have one view of the world.. so diversity is much more complex then that

3. We should not allow a one winner takes it all approach, it’s too dangerous to let one corporation dictate rules of the game

4. Education & don’t take education only for kids.. this should be for teachers to know how to educate but as well for adults.. we show the bad behaviours and probably are more connected then the kids themselves

5. We should think about a new role in corporation and head of AI should get as well ethics and regulation in it

6: AI usage should be regulated like the AI act not on use case but take it on a higher level.. and go for a risk based approach.. so if things are changing the regulation cover the risks not the details… and will be longer valid.